God endows each of us with personal gifts and talents. Stewardship acknowledges that God is the source of each gift received and each possession accumulated. We are the recipients of God’s abundant gifts, and stewardship reminds us that these gifts are not our own; we are simply trustees of them. Stewardship means to give a portion back to God. Stewardship is a direct way of expressing our thanksgiving to God for these gifts. Where does the money go? Some of All Villages Presbyterian Church programs and missions supported by financial gifts are:
Increased worship opportunities
A public space of beauty and reflection
Caring for the sick and homebound
Food for families in need
Kid Connection curriculum for children
Backpacks for Manatee School
Vacation Bible School
Special Music Programs
Scholarships for Youth Programs
Leadership Development
Local & Global Mission Projects
Even though stewardship traditionally has been associated with finances, giving of one’s time and talents is also an important part of stewardship. Funding of programs is only the beginning. Staffing those programs by those who pledge their time and talents assures their success.