Youth Group at All Villages helps guide our youth in safe passage to adulthood and to offer a specific faith identity using significant relationships with Chrisitan adults.
Our goal is to create a safe and sacred place for our youth. Youth are a vital part of our ministry at All Villages both in receiving and providing ministry. Our middle and senior highs participate in service projects throughout the year, including church clean-up and vacation bible school. We are blessed to have many capable and committed youth in our midst.
Youth activities are communicated weekly by phone, email, church bulletin and newsletter. If you would like to be included in updates or feel a calling for this ministry, please text @avpcyouth to 81010 for notifications or contact the Pastor or John Renschler.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation classes for 9th and 10th graders are scheduled and provided as needed. If you would like more information about or to request enrollment in a future class, please contact the Pastor.